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Saturday, June 2, 2012



Okay. Short - not insanely interesting update, iiif you can call it an update. This is pictures almost a month old. I just wanted you to know that I am not dead on this project! I just lack some materials right now - and time. I'm pretty busy all week, and I really need a lot of surplus before I feel motivated to work on it. But I don't feel like rushing either, so I'm just taking it nice and easy. :) A better upadate will be made soon! And that with pictures NOT taken with my phone! XD Yay!

People this blood elf is on! I'm sad that I didn't have the time to make this cosplay for J-Popcon 2011, but well, that's just how it is. :) But good news! It IS going to be made! Cause I have made a progress this weekend that gave me hope! I've been pretty ill, but suddenly my feverish head gave me some ideas which I had to try out - and they worked! They worked in a way that I could believe in this costume! I have no deadline for it, and that's lovely! The next convention in Denmark would be SVS-con, and I am not attending this year due to my last galla at my school. SO! If it is needed for a convention it would be Genki, and that is pass the summer vacation.! XD So no stress! It motivates me a lot somehow right now that I can just make it in my tempo. :)

I tried to make the belt she is wearing. It was a bit hard to figure out the design since I don't really have a proper reference photo of it, but I made it with a combination of other cosplayers way of making it. I like the way it turned out, but I'm not sure yet whether I will use it at the end result or not, what do you think?
Belt Progress Details & Materials
I sketched the belt in full scale on a paper, and cut it out. Afterwards I cut the main shape out in moosgummi two times. First a bottom one, and next the top out of thicker moosgummi. I simply glued it together, and I now got the main shape. Thereafter I used pappmache to cover the rough edges ect. When it was dry (I couldn't wait so I used a hair dryer...) I formed the "face" out of clay and tried to get it to look as much as the sketch I had made, and smoothed it out. When it all had dried I sprayed it all black, and painted the the areas that was supposed to be gold afterwards.

Can't wait to share new updates with you!

You know the feeling when you can't sleep and get an idea right? I had an idea for the make-up, and wanted to try it out together with the lenses I'm going to use. This would be the first try of a suggestion to the make-up. Not the ending result:


Is it real? Yes it is!
I promised myself that I wouldn't make any more costumes in 2011, due to money problems, hard year in my education and my theater. BUT! Now I cannot resist! Nevertheless will I begin - and if I do not finish this year - whatever. 

I have had a lot of costumes in mind, but because of an obsession at the moment of World of Warcraft, I finally decided to make a costume from that game. It will be the most complicated (prop and accessories wise) I have ever done, so I am looking forward to try it out. :) Maybe I'll fail, but I will do my best and get something out of this project - at least learn to use some new materials. :) I have already used a lot of time to draw patterns and try to make prototypes of some of the accessories, so if I'm lucky it can be finished for J-Popcon 2011!

Well I hope you will stay tuned for more updates!
Cause now I'm taking this cosplay site serious!


  1. I'll be making a WoW-based cosplay in 2012 so maybe we could talk about wear them at the same day at some convention next year :3 ~

    Can't wait to see it! I'll photo-hunt you xD

  2. Wo, thats cool! Have you any idea of what/who you are gonna make at that time? :D
    If this work, I might consider making another one for the 2012 (sabbat år og det hele.. <3) But yes! We really should! :D

    Haha, awh, lets hope I do not fail then.. ^^" As I said, I'm gonna use some materials I haven't worked with before, but lets hope it will look good! Nevertheless on distance! XD

  3. lyder virkelig cool... glæder mig til at se hvad du får lavet ;D ! Har også selv haft leget med ideen om af cosplaye fra wow.. men er også lidt bange faile til det xD
    (http://www.kamuicosplay.com/ <- hende her har også lavet nogle ret fede wow cosplays.. hvis du har brug for lidt inspiration til hvordan du skal lave de forskellige ting :3)

    ((gart jeg føler mig lidt stalker agtig på en måde over at skrive den her besked >3> ))

  4. I dog! Nej overhoved ikke! Jeg er rigtig glad for at få noget feedback! :D Det giver meget mere motivation at høre andre som støtter en op omkring det. :)

    Og mon ikke jeg kender Kamui! XD Jeg forguder hendes talent med wonderflex og de andre materialer hun bruger - ikke mindst hendes metoder! For det virker, og ser sindsyg godt ud! XD Netop personer som hende der gør man ikke ønsker faile.. ^^"

    Men leg dog videre på ideen! Der er så mange lækre detaljer på de kostumer! :D

  5. Great nok.. :D

    samme her... hun er virkelig så dygtig..! glæder mig virkelig til jeg en gang er lige så dygtig som hende... xD ..

    det er lige det...elsker specielt the gueen of the forsaken's design.. så kan være jeg burde se at kigge lidt på det på et tidspunkt :D !

    men er det sådan så du bare vil cosplaye en random blood elf priest eller vælger du en specifik person? :3

  6. For at blive lige så dygtig som hende skal man bare øve! Prøve, arbejde, få erfaring! :D Det er det hun har gjort. ;D

    Så det godt på din blog du havde en tegning af the forsaken! Hvis du har mod på det ville det jo være nice! :D

    Jeg starter med den Blood Elf priest som er på billedt. :) Jeg spiller selv priest, men har simpelthen ikke skills til at lave det outfit hun har på. XD Så tænkte jeg ville lave et rimlig kendt design derfra til at starte med. :3

  7. yea..! for det er jo nok noget om at øvelse gør mester.. ;D

    regner også med at begynde på det cosplay her efter j-popcon (skal lige være færdig med mit AC cosplay først) så det kan blive færdig til genki næste år eller noget i den stil..

    awesome nok.. ! glæder mig virkelig til at se hvad du får lavet :D !!

  8. Hej Lilly.

    Jeg har givet dig en blogaward, som du kan læse mere om her:
    http://mizzzims.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html (helt nede i bunden)

    Du udviser med stor entusiasme din kærlighed for cosplay og hvordan du laver disse. Det er altid en fornøjelse at gå på jagt blandt alle dine billeder.

    Fortsat god dag :)

